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Home » Latest News » Nutrition for All Children: What Are My Child’s Nutritional Recommendations?

Nutrition for All Children: What Are My Child’s Nutritional Recommendations?

At Briarcliff Pediatrics, we’re always looking for new ways to help educate parents about children’s health. We get a lot of questions about nutrition, as most parents understand how fundamental a proper diet is to their child’s overall wellbeing. Many good eating habits apply to everyone, regardless of age—eat lots of greens, stay away from sugar and saturated fat, avoid over and undereating—but many people don’t realize that nutritional recommendations change with age. As they grow, kids’ eating habits can evolve rapidly. To help parents with growing children make healthy decisions, we’ve organized information from the Centers for Disease Control, Mayo Clinic, and our own experience into a handy graphic:

Nutrition for All Children: What Are My Child’s Nutritional Recommendations?

Nutrition for All Children: What Are My Child’s Nutritional Recommendations?

Bear in mind that these recommendations might differ among children with certain medical conditions and/or special dietary requirements. They should be treated as general guidelines rather than strict requirements, and information like this is always subject to revision as we learn more about nutrition and the human body.

Dr. Ray Deeb and Dr. Ashley Brown provide comprehensive healthcare for newborns and children up to the age of 18, and they’re currently accepting new patients. If you would like to learn more about our practice, contact Briarcliff Pediatrics to schedule an appointment or a complimentary meet-and-greet. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to get the latest health tips and news in children’s healthcare, and check back often for new blogs.

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